Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Privacy: Where To Live?

Going back to the biometric database issue, a fan of the blog Krishna showed me this graphic. The larger the index number, the less intrusive the government is.

Courtesy: Krishna Hajari


GasPoweredGnome said...

so, when are you inviting me up to Live... er I mean visit your place in Canada? lol

Mike D. said...

One thing that's key to note about that chart, however, is that regardless of chart position, political disarray is rampant. Romania is in that bloc of eastern Europe that just can't get it's cultural and economic affairs in order. Italy is pretty much chaos 101.

Just an interesting point that even though the chart is solely about privacy, things about the governments in those places, and their current fluid state, would either affect the chart or is just something to think about in terms of the country and it's "good for you"-like status.