Saturday, January 12, 2008

Packers Game

Random sayings by me during the game...

Grant fumble #1: "Well that was a rough way to start the game"
Grant fumble #2: "Things can't get any worse, can they?"
Green Bay TD #1: "That's a little better."
Green Bay TD #2: "That's a whole lot better."
Seattle Fumble: "Talk about Seahawks choking already."
Note: after Seahawks went up 14-0, Packers out gained them 153 to -5 yards to tie the game at 14
Green Bay TD #3: "Well this game is going to be out of hand by halftime, so much for my 27-24 score prediction."
Green Bay TD #4: "Brett Favre is by far the greatest and most creative quarterback in the history of the game."
Green Bay TD #5: "Brett Favre's first touchdown pass to a running back... this entire season."
Green Bay TD #6: "What happened to the 14-0 deficit for the Packers?

1 comment:

Mike D. said...

Seattle Fumble line: Spoken to Me. Victory to myself for being in your blog.